Population and Demographics

Showing 1–5 of 10 results

  • Data on NL residents includes demographic, social and economic characteristics such as age, sex, marital status, family size, shelter, labour market activities, income, education, ethnicity, language, and citizenship and immigration.

  • Contains demographic and administrative information that enables the accurate identification of individuals in the provincial EHR by linking the demographic information from clinical information systems to the same information in the CR.

  • Contains demographic and administrative information on all NL residents, landed immigrants, and some international workers and post-secondary students eligible for provincial health care insurance coverage under the provincial Medical Care Plan, the Dental Health Plan, and the Hospital Insurance Pla

  • Contains demographic and administrative information on physicians who are employed by the province (including speciality, remuneration type and year of graduation).

  • Demographic, administrative and clinical data related to all live births that occur in NL.