Community-Based Primary Health Care

Showing 1–5 of 8 results

  • Includes seven sub-registries: Diabetes, Asthma, COPD, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, and Stroke. Data comprise hospitalization and physician visit data from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System, as well as provincial lab data for diabetes.

  • Contains person-specific medication profiles, including patient demographic and drug information, prescribing physician, and other related information, for all of NL community pharmacies and three hospital outpatient dispensaries.

  • Immunization data includes demographic, administrative and vaccination information and associated adverse reactions for those who have received immunizations in a community health nursing clinic in the province. This information comes from the Client and Referral Management System (CRMS).

  • Contains information related to services provided by fee-for-service physicians under MCP; includes patient demographics, provider’s information, and information on the encounter (e.g., service date, fee code, cost of main service provided, associated diagnosis).

  • Electronic patient records (demographic, administrative, and clinical data) from NL emergency departments; data include variables such as CTAS level, type (e.g., ambulance, elective), dates/times of arrival and discharge, and presenting complaint.